Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Edata System Training

As we move into the 21st century, so too should the tools we use.  Tools that will allow us to become more efficient, freeing up time that we can spend engaging in other educational pursuits.

4-H is introducing the new Edata record keeping system and the overall purpose is to:
  • Allow leaders and members to electronically enter their own information in the record keeping system and bring it forward each year to update
  • permit youth to sign up for projects and leaders to track the projects their members are taking
  • allow 4-H members and leaders to register for events and activities
  • provide an opportunity for the office to send newsletters and announcements can be delivered in “real time.” we can use it to track program involvement
{Reminder - in order to see the pictures in larger format, just move your mouse over top of it and click}

Accessing Edata
Like every other computer operation and function, there are numerous ways to get to the same point.  One way would be to access the Penn State Cooperative Extension home page by clicking on this link:       http://adams.extension.psu.edu/

You can enter the edata system via this link on the Adams Extension website.

(An alternative is to go directly to:)

I would also suggest that you save this link to your Favorites.

When you click on this link, you will get this page:

Please read all of the information here, and to get additional information you can check out this link:

Please read the GREEN Box.  The major points are:
  •  4-H Leaders and members will not have to complete paper enrollment each year
  • Members will update their information and enter their projects and register for activities
  • The information will only be available to several key state leaders, the county staff and 4-H leaders can see their club information

In order to access the edata system and enter your information, you will have to complete the following two tasks.  Most of you have completed the first.

Task 1:  Create an email address
Most people have an email account established through their Internet Service Provider (ISP) like Comcast or Embarq, or have an account set up through Google or Hotmail.  Any of those will suffice.  If however, you do not have an email account, contact the 4-H office and we will help you problem solve this dilemma.

Task 2:  Create a Friends Of Penn State Account
In order to get into the system and enter your information, you will have to become A Friend of Penn State.  This simple task will give you a digital identification number and use a password that you create.  You will need to write this information down as you will need to use them each time you log into the system.

To create a Friend of Penn State Account, use the link in the column to your left, or click here to start the process:  https://fps.psu.edu/

This easy to complete form starts when you click on Create an Account.

Fill out all of the boxes that have a RED *, and when you press Submit a box will pop up and give you your Digital ID and the password you entered.  You will need both of these in order to get into the system.

You are now ready to enter the Edata System.

Click on the link on the column to your left for Edata or clickhttp://edata.extension.psu.edu/

When this page pops up, enter your new Digital ID and password.
You will work your way through the system, and each time you enter new information the program loads it and gives you new boxes to complete.

You will be able to sign-off on your Code of Conduct, Photo Release, and eventually a Health Form.  Once this information is captured, you will not be required to fill out these forms during that program year.

Once you have submitted all of your information, the 4-H Administrative Assistant will review all records and accept or reject them.

Organizational Leaders will be given authorization to review the records of their club members, and they will be able to okay the projects that the members have signed up for.

If you have trouble signing up or entering information or need any other technical assistance, please contact the office and ask for a 4-H Staff member.

During the 2010 program year, we want every volunteer and every member to sign-up for a Friends of Penn State Account and enter their own record into the Edata system.  If you our your club needs assistance, we can provide the necessary training and support.  Please contact us for scheduling time.

How To: Set up your Friends of Penn State Account

{Click on the box in the lower right hand corner to view full Screen}

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